It is crazy to think that I officially have a toddler. I mean she has been walking for awhile, but it takes a long time for my mind to switch over from baby to toddler. Don't get me wrong she is still a baby, but there is definitely a distinction and change with "toddler." She never crawls anymore and had her first skined-knee this week :( She didn't like the band-aid though. She lifted up her leg and yelled so I just took it off, it wasn't bleeding very much anyway.
I am nursing a toddler. Never thought I would say that. My goal was 12 months, but then we reached her birthday and the day after her birthday was the same as the day before her birthday and I couldn't tell her, nope no more nursing because you are 365 days old :) Also, the WHO recommends nursing through age 2 so I am not pushing it. There are also some serious upsides to still nursing: she has a great source of liquids when she has diarrhea which she had a week ago, it is a great way to soothe boo-boos and teething pain. Really, she doesn't nurse much anymore. 4-6 times a day and for 2-5min total. I think she will wean long before we reach age 2. I am sure I will miss it in some ways and be glad for it in others (the acrobatic nursing can be really annoying).
She is seriously a dare devil. She can't just walk around, no, she has to climb on anything available and test every limit mommy puts in place. She was playing a beach chair and tried to climb on the arm and promptly fell over the arm before I could reach her. She doesn't cry very much when she does hurt herself, at least not for very long. She gets over it, gets up and keeps moving. She is scared of NOTHING. Well, except her friends toy elephant go figure!
She tries to talk so much now. Mostly she talks nonsense, but she chatters on constantly. She tries to mimic words often, "bees" for frisbee, "nanas" for nurse, "stop it," and many others. I love to listen to her talk. She really thinks you can understand her. I just smile and nod.
She now knows two body parts, her head and her toes. We sing "head, shoulders, knees, and toes" every day in the bath and she now will point to her her head and toes, but that is as far as we have gotten. She also rubs her thumbs and forefingers together for "itsy, bitsy spider" which is so adorable.
I can't believe how much she changes all the time, it is overall very gradual but when I look at how little she was just a couple months ago it floors me!
Well, that is all of the updating for now. Hope you are all enjoying the warm weather! I know we are. I think I will get her pool out tomorrow. Good night!
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