She has started saying "please" and "thank you" WITHOUT BEING PROMPTED!!! Her "thank you" is so cute because she gets so excited everytime she says it!! We are loving it!!!
She knows several of her letter sounds, although not consistently, and recognizes letters wherever she sees them even if she doesn't know WHICH letter it is. When we sing the alphabet song she has often said "Apple" instead of LMNOP in the middle of the song. She really only says "A" and "YZ" clearly, but she tries so hard the rest of the song. She will watch my lips and trying to say what I am saying, it really is soooo cute.
She is super into coloring and stickers, which is why I have pen on my wall and stickers all over the floor ;) She is showing a definite preference for her left hand when coloring, J and I don't know what to do with that. She still uses her right enough that we aren't sure yet if she is going to be a lefty, but she might!
She points to my belly often and says, "baby!" She will also try to say Alana if you ask her although she is not very good at it. When she is settling down for the night she will often lay her hand on my belly and Alana will kick her, I love it. I really don't think Ava understands, but it is sweet none the less.
I am 27 weeks pregnant with Alana and starting to get antsy about what isn't done. I know I have plenty of time and everything will be fine, but I am apprehensive none the less. Alana's room is painted, but so far that is it.
It is a pretty blue color and hopefully the hot pink curtains will be up soon. The crib is going to be in our room for the first couple months while I am nursing still at night so it will remain a guest room for now. She has started moving so much you can watch my belly move sometimes, mostly at night. She definitely has her routine awake and asleep times. I am excited to meet this new little one and she what she looks like and if she shares her sisters's strong, stubborn, inquisitive, and adventurous spirit.
Well I guess that is all for now. Hopefully I will have more to write about soon.
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