Tuesday, November 27, 2012

20 Months Old

Ava will be 20 months old this week.  Jason and I can't believe what a big girl she is becoming.  We are both so in love with this age.  She is so expressive and excited about things.  If she sees you for the first time in a little while she will get so excited and say, "HIIIIIII!!!"

She now says several different phrases:

"Boo...I see you"
"I sorry"
"Whatcha doing?"
"It's ok," or "I ok"
"I don't know, Where she at?" (hands up in an 'I don't know' gesture - Jason had asked her where mommy is)
"I love you" - said that for the first time yesterday!  I was so happy!!
"I see it?" - for "let me see it," because mommy always says to her, "can mommy see that?"
"Thank you"
-and she is coming out with new ones all the time

She now answers appropriately when asked a yes or no question (who would of thought this would be a difficult skill :)).

The number of different words she says is just enormous!  She has new words all the time!!

She jumps with both feet off the floor now.  She loves to do ring around the rosy (even tried to make me play in the middle of the dinning room at UTM)!  :)

She goes pee on the big girl potty a couple of times a day (at least once).  And, she puts her baby doll on the  potty and says that she is "shooy." :)  Maybe we aren't as far from potty training as I thought.

We are enjoying all the excitedness and joy she gets from everything.  It really is a great age!!

Just wanted to get that stuff down so I know when she started doing it all.

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