Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Ava proved she recognizes certain objects, I am so proud!!  Balls are Ava's favorite toys.  She is pretty good at throwing the ball back and forth with anyone who will play with her.  Big balls, little balls, balls bigger than she is...she isn't picky.  Today in the bath she brought two balls with her since she was holding them when I picked her up to go into the bath.  I dropped them in the tub so she could play with them along with her dozen other bath toys.  I asked her to "find the ball, bring mommy the ball."  The blue ball was right in front of her so she picked it up and I praised her.  Yay, she knew what the ball is.  Just to make sure she didn't just pick up the first thing she saw, I later hid the blue ball in her cup and asked her again to find the ball for mommy.  She looked around at all her bath toys for a minute then she reached over and grabbed the yellow ball and handed it to me.  Not only does she know what a ball is, she recognizes a ball no matter what it looks like.  I was very proud of my little bath fishy tonight.

Jason later reminded me that she already recognized the word for kiss since if we ask her for a kiss she will kiss our cheek.  But, I was still happy that it was one more new thing she did.  She is also now blowing kisses, although she doesn't consistently do that on demand yet.

Just keeping you up-to-date with the Ava developments :)


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