Saturday, June 9, 2012

New words, car washes, and petting zoos :)

Well everyday is surely an adventure.  Ava is changing everyday. 

She says new things (or things she has said before, but more consistently).  Her friend Molly has a dog and it was outside barking and she pointed and said "Dog!" several times over and over.  This is a big deal as usually she calls their dog a "cat."  Just today she pointed at Jason's eyes and her eyes and said "eyes."  Woo hoo, the "head, shoulders, knees, and toes" song is starting to work :)  She already will often (but not always by any means) touch her head and her toes in the song.  Now she will actually say "toes."  She said, "up" for me a couple times when she wants to be picked up.  The only issue with Ava is, if she doesn't want to do something she won't.  So even if you know she knows how to say something, if she doesn't want to do it she won't do it :(  She is very stubborn :) 

She has so much personality it just blows me away.  She is so expressive when she jabbers at you I really wish I could understand what she is saying.  She loves to help with whatever we are doing.  She will pull the clothes out of the dryer one by one and hand them to me so I can hang them up (and gets frustrated if something she is trying to get out is stuck under something else).  She helped daddy wash the car by dunking the sponge in the bucket and scrubbing the car with it.  It really doesn't take her very long to pick up on how to do something.  She loves to use hand sanitizer.  You pump some into her hands and she scrubs her hands around.  So super cute.  In fact, we went to a little petting zoo at UTM and she kept going over to get the hand sanitizer, it was her favorite part.  She loves to play and make you laugh and make herself laugh.  She really is such a joy.

She has been sleeping better (MUCH) lately.  It is like she just decided one day that she wanted to sleep.  She has slept completely through the night once without waking.  Then most other nights she only wakes one or two times (and goes back to sleep really fast).  A couple times I have even been able to go in her room, help her find her paci and lay her down without ever picking her up.  This I can handle :)

She is cutting her molars so if she stops playing she gets pretty fussy.  I feel bad for her, they are very swollen and one has already cut through the gum.  She tries to chew on everything, but sometimes this just causes her to hurt herself.  I always feel bad then, poor thing.

We went to a petting zoo on UTM's campus this week and Ava had a lot of fun, so did I for that matter.  The only thing she was afraid of was the camel.  He was awfully big and liked to lick you, which is incredibly weird.  She tried to free the kangaroo by tugging on the door of his cage.  They had lots of other things Ava enjoyed.  Goats, bunnies, piglets, a donkey, a llama, some sheep, chickens that looked like cotton balls with legs, baby ducks, a hare, a turtle, and of course the camel. 

She plays more by herself more often now (mommy doesn't always have to play with her which allows me to accomplish somethings).  The only problem is that she doesn't stay in one place very long, so I will turn my back for a second and she is gone and I have to go find her.  More often then not she is in our closet or bedroom for whatever reason.

Well, that is about all for now.  Life with our squirrel is never dull.

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